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Computer Service, Repair & Upgrade(s)

We have built, and/or repaired over 12,500 PC’s and Servers over the last 39 years.  We have the skill and knowledge needed to successfully service and/or repair your PC.

We specialize in:

Hacked PC OS Repave’s – Data Migration
Computer Repair / Maintenance / Tune-up’s
Hardware Repair / Upgrades
Software Installation and Configuration
Local and Wide Area Network Management
Data Recovery Analysis and Recommendation
Virus/Malware Protection and Removal

DataCenter Responder / Remote Hands

Yes, we are familiar with DATACENTER operation(s) and we can visit your HOSTING/CO-LOCATION environment with complete confidence and perform any operation that you require.

Operating System familiarity

UNIX “All Flavor’s”
LINUX “All Flavor’s”
MAC OS “All Versions”
Windows “All Versions”

Website Development & Management

We have over 25 years of Website design and development experience.  We manage teams of developers that can make your web-based application a reality.  From a simple content management system website, to a complex web-based piece  of productivity software…  the Shack has got your Back!

Network Router wiring & Configuration